Safyr supports these projects
and more
Safyr® can be used for a range of different ‘data’ related projects. Some of the most popular are described below.
Discover ERP & CRM metatdata for your Data Catalog and Metadata Management projects
Classify personal data in your ERP & CRM applications for improved data compliance and quality
Accelerate source data analysis for ERP & CRM systems with full access to data structures
Track down relevant data in your ERP & CRM packages for BI and Analytics more quickly and easily
Find and share key master data elements in your ERP & CRM package
Detect critical metadata differences between instances in your ERP & CRMs
The governance of data in an ERP/CRM system is made more difficult than in other, simpler systems by the very complexity of its data structure. Before Governance procedures can be put in place, it is vital to identify exactly what data is available and where it is located.
This is particularly relevant in the context of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) and others where it is critical to be able to identify where the personal data or Personally Identifiable information (PII) is located
Learn how Safyr supports GDPR here.
Moving data to or from an ERP/CRM system requires an understanding of both the ‘source’ and ‘target’ system.
Often the system at one end of this data movement is relatively simple in terms of its data structure – a data mart, a home-grown application.
But when one of the component systems is an ERP or CRM system, gaining an understanding of its data structure in order to map that structure to another system can be challenging.
Safyr can quickly show the user which tables exist in the packaged application, how they are related (and in most packages) show which application functions use which tables.
Your key application packages store gigabytes of valuable data that will be a prime resource when building a Report, DataMart or Data Warehouse.
Whilst your chosen toolset will likely have an interface to access data from these packages, determining which tables, how they are related, and which attributes you require will be a significant challenge. This problem is compounded by the size and complexity of these packages. There are in excess of 90,000 tables in a typical SAP system and deciding which of these tables are required can be time-consuming and error-prone.
Safyr® is a software solution to this problem that helps the user rapidly and accurately locate the required tables and relationships using a set of powerful scoping tools that help subset the thousands of tables into the few tens actually required.
For any company wishing to undertake any form of Enterprise Metadata Management or Data Catalog creation, the presence of one or more ERP or CRM packages in the mix of systems will present some headaches. The ERP/CRM system will contain a rich set of metadata, valuable to the Metadata Management project, which is important but difficult to access.
Retrieving this metadata in an accurate and systematic way is only practically achievable using our Safyr product. Safyr not only accesses metadata from the application layer of each package, but it also has powerful features for sub-setting the metadata into manageable chunks.
ERP & CRM packages store a host of important data, including key elements of Master Data. In order to deliver a successful Master Data Management project, it is vital to identify the location of Master Data tables and fields in each application package used by the customer. This is made more difficult in an ERP or CRM package because of the size and complexity of the data model and opaque nature of the metadata.
Safyr helps the user quickly identify key Master Data items like Customer and Product using intelligent search features tailored to each application package.
Many companies will have multiple instances of an application package – this might be because of regional differences or because of acquisition of another company on a different version of the package.
Identifying the differences between these installations can be very challenging, given how large and complex these systems typically are. Safyr has functionality designed to make the identification of differences quick and easy. Safyr’s comparison feature can be configured to pick out the kinds of differences that are important to the user.
For more information on Safyr® or how we can help you, please contact us, book a call or demo or get your free trial of Safyr.