ERP and CRM metadata for your enterprise data catalog?
Can your enterprise data catalog or metadata management system truly be called ‘enterprise’ if it cannot readily accommodate metadata from your enterprise application systems?
Have you ever wondered how to go about provisioning your enterprise data catalog or metadata management solution with information from your enterprise applications such as those from SAP, Oracle, Salesforce or Microsoft?
It may seem that this should be a simple and straightforward process as it is with many other data sources. Your vendors may even suggest that their software solution can achieve this easily. Or, that it will be a task their consultants and your technical specialists can accomplish quickly and without difficulty.
We have technical and / or commercial partnerships with many of the leading enterprise data catalog and metadata management vendors. This means that their customers can use Safyr to provision their solutions with ERP and CRM metadata from their systems, as implemented, quickly and accurately.
If your vendor does not have a solution for this task then you are risking the delivery of your project.
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