Tested: 5 ERP and CRM packages evaluated for GDPR personal data
/0 Comments/in GDPR, JD Edwards, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Oracle, SAP, Siebel/by Silwood TechnologyLess than 1% of data could cost enterprises 4% of annual turnover in May 2018
Here at Silwood Technology, we’ve conducted research into five of the largest and most widely used application packages to understand the scale of the challenge encountered by our customers when locating personal data for GDPR compliance.
Is it necessary to discover Microsoft Dynamics AX metadata?
/0 Comments/in Data, Data and Application integration, Data Discovery, Data Model Enterprise Information Management, Enterprise Metadata Management, Microsoft Dynamics AX/by Roland BullivantDo you really need to discover Microsoft Dynamics AX metadata?
The answer is a definite “Yes”, because as one of the world’s most implemented ERP/CRM packaged solutions for large and medium sized enterprises it suffers from the same metadata challenge as SAP, Oracle, and increasingly Salesforce systems. (According to Panorama Consulting Solutions’ most recent survey,
Access and exploit Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 data model with Safyr
/0 Comments/in Data, Data Discovery, Data Management, Data Model Enterprise Information Management, Enterprise Application, Enterprise Metadata Management, Metadata, Metadata discovery, Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Safyr/by NickNew supported package for safyr
We’ve been working hard on a new capability for Safyr®. This is in the form of a metadata extraction feature to enable customers to quickly and intuitively access and exploit the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 data model.