ESG Concepts

The data challenge for ESG

What is ESG and why does it matter?

Decades ago, concerns about the immediate and global impact of business on the environment and society were seen as a bit of a fringe issue. What mattered most was the “bottom line”. In this blog we will look at the overall topic and then focus on the data challenge for ESG in the context of governance Read more

Enterprise applications, how to trust the data

How to trust the data

Knowing who and what to trust, it seems, has increasingly been on all our minds lately. One outcome of an ever more complex world is that the need to trust and search for evidence has become an essential activity in our daily lives. And, knowing if you can trust the data in your business systems and reports can be equally challenging.

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How you can find personal data fields in an SAP system for CCPA and GDPR

Why finding metadata for personal data in ERP and CRM systems for CCPA and GDPR is hard.

The State of California’s California Consumer Privacy Act and EU General Data Protection Regulation, usually referred to as CCPA and GDPR, together with regulations imposed by other governments and states,  have placed more responsibility on organisations for managing and releasing the personal data and information they hold about individuals. (This is an edited and updated version of a blog first posted in 2018).

Depending on the regulation these data items can refer to customers, employees, citizens, business partners etc. As time goes on more and more countries or individual states will implement similar regulations on companies operating under their jurisdiction.

One of the prerequisites for being able to identify and manage personal data is to know where it resides across your organisation’s IT systems. In order to do this it is critical to be able understand the metadata in these systems. In many cases they will give up the metadata relevant to personal data relatively easily.

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Who looks after the data assets in your company?

What corporate assets do you have?

In the context of this article I am not referring to those on the balance sheet such as equipment, stock, debtors and perhaps buildings but more about those which are commonly referred to as critical assets in enabling you to achieve your targets and goals. In addition to your people, customers, brand value there is one further resource that many organisations are increasingly focussed on – your data assets.

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GDPR, Personal Data, ERP and CRM – How I learned to stop worrying and love metadata

GDPR – what’s all the fuss about?

If you are involved with data management or data governance, I am guessing you have read, or at least heard about the new European Union General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). GDPR comes into force in May, 2018.

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Finding PII in SAP for GDPR compliance - Worked Example 6

Finding Personal Data in an SAP system for GDPR compliance

Introduction to the gdpr challenge

Working out which Tables store personal data that needs to be reviewed for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a challenge in any environment, but particularly so where the system is one or more of the big Application Packages. Typically these are systems from SAP, Oracle, Salesforce and Microsoft.

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Cartoon highlighting the Importance of Business Definitions, from Data Modeling for the Business by Hoberman, Burbank, Bradley, Technics Publications, 2009

The Business Value of Metadata for Data Governance

Guest blog post by Donna Burbank, Managing Director of Global Data Strategy, Ltd.

Data Governance has seen a rise in popularity in recent years, as more and more organizations see the value of data in driving business success.

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